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Commission on Disabilities Agenda 10/15/2013
Salem Commission on Disabilities
October 15, 2013
4:00 P.M.
Salem Access TV, 285 Derby Street

Commission Statement:
The Salem Commission on Disability is committed to making Salem a better place to work and live for people with disabilities.  The Commission also strives to make Salem a more accessible place to visit for people living with all kinds of disabilities.  Our mission is to raise awareness, educate, and provide informational resources about various disability issues.  Two of the ways we do so are by providing educational information in the monthly meetings broadcasted on the local cable network, SATV Channel 22, and providing a daily audible column to help maximize the pedestrian commuter’s safety.  The Commission supports a strong relationship with their city government, their constituents and the Salem business community, including the museums and other tourist attractions.


Guest speakers:  Jeff Gentry, Co-Director for the Accessible Icon Project,, and Sheila Radziewicz, motivational speaker and disability advocate.

Old Business:
  • Increase in HC parking fines to decrease misuse
  • Update on Salem Trolley wheelchair access
  • MBTA station construction and access challenges  
  • Curb cuts update
  • Training from MA Office on Disabilities on ADA Standards
New Business:
  • Plans for notifications about FM system? City web page, City Hall door, SATV, other?
A Haunted Happenings announcements: schedule in Braille
B Next meeting November 19, 2013

                                                Andy LaPointe, Co-Chair, Debra Lobsitz, Co-Chair

For more information, e-mail Co-Chair, Debra Lobsitz at or Commissioner, Andrew J. LaPointe at  

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A §§18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033